I just finished up a quick tidying session with my 18-month-old. Check out the video below!

Helpful Hint

If you’re planning to declutter your child’s clothes and he/she is under age two, you may want to declutter without your child if you’re in a rush…

How to Make the Most of Your Time

Even if your child is “helping”, you’ll want to throw EVERYTHING on the floor and sort from there.

Make four piles:

  1. Garbage (think vomit stains, poop stains, etc.)
  2. Donate
  3. Sell to Friends or Consignment
  4. Keep

This Part Is Important

Choose your KEEP pile first, then sort the rest.

Fold everything in the KEEP pile according to the KonMari Method in The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up and then put it back in the drawer(s).


*I recommend a few things in this article because they worked for me and they may add value to your life. If you happen to purchase something, I may get some coffee money so I can keep this blog going. I promise to always be honest with you.*

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