

We’ve been contemplating trying P90X for a few months. We even bought a pull-up bar and evaluated our supply of weights, exercise bands, and exercise mats. We just hadn’t made the leap to actually purchasing the P90X system.

Enter cousins Tug and Julie. They heard us talking about it and gave us the Home-Fitness System as a wedding party gift a few weeks ago. Sweet!

The Beginning

We ran through the P90X Prep yesterday, including weight, measurements, number of push-ups, number of pull-ups, etc. and we made the commitment to begin the program today. We sat down and watched the “How To Bring It” DVD. It was full of promotional jargon and didn’t offer much insight into what we were getting ourselves into. We evaluated the three programs: P90X Classic, Doubles, or Lean and we decided to pursue the P90X Lean program because it appears to emphasize cardio, rather than weights.

The Lean program begins with the Core Synergistics DVD. Who thought that was a good idea? Really? Ouch! I’m really hoping this is one of the more difficult of the 12 DVDs because the longer I sit here writing this, the more my muscles are screaming. I did enjoy the variety of activities offered in the hour-long DVD, although the banana-roll-superman things hurt my hip bones every time I turned on my stomach.

At this time, we have chosen not to pursue the nutrition plan due to the expense of the food, vitamins, and supplements. We will re-evaluate our decision if this seems to pose a problem down the line.

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