What is #BFrunning?

#BFrunning is a Twitter chat dedicated to discussing barefoot and minimalist running. Running enthusiasts of all levels of barefoot and minimalist running experience are welcome.

When is #BFrunning?

1st and 3rd Sunday of each month from 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM EST.
Launching April 17, 2011 – Topic: Introductions
Please stop by to introduce yourself and share your blog and your running background. Don’t have a blog? That’s okay. Stop by to introduce yourself. You can also use the #BFrunning hashtag whenever you write a twitter update that is relevant to barefoot or minimalist running.

Upcoming #BFrunning chats:
April 17, 2011
May 1, 2011
May 15, 2011
June 5, 2011
June 19, 2011

How do I participate in #BFrunning?

Via Twitter

Visit and search for #BFrunning.

BFrunning Twitter Search

Save your search and go to your Home feed. Click on the Searches tab and choose #BFrunning. Begin typing under What’s Happening. Don’t forget to add #BFrunning to each post.

BFrunning Twitter Page

Via Tweetchat

Visit, login using your Twitter account, and type BFrunning next to the # at the top of the page. Very cool because it appends #BFrunning to the end of your posts, so you don’t have to remember to add the tag yourself. I’m awful at remembering to add tags, particularly during a conversation (replies, retweets, etc.), so I appreciate this option.

BFrunning Tweetchat

Via Twebevent integrates Tweetchat, but it offers additional chat-specific information and it includes a calendar of events. Login using your Twitter account and visit the main page to view the calendar.

BFrunning Twebevent

Via Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, or similar platforms

During a chat, I have both Tweetchat and Hootsuite open.  I use Hootsuite to track mentions and conversations because chats often move too quickly to keep track of them via Twitter or Tweetchat.

More Information

A complete list of scheduled chats can be found in this google document and more info on twitter chats can be found here.

If you have more questions about #BFrunning or how to participate in twitter chats, tweet me at @michelepliner or visit Sporting the Small Stuff’s Contact page.

What do you use for twitter chats? Share your suggestions in the comments below!

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