A Big Thank You!

Thanks again to everyone who joined in on the first #BFrunning chat on Twitter! I was so excited to meet all of you!

The chat transcript without retweets is available here: http://bit.ly/hPN7Zh

#BFrunning Chat Breakdown

Top Contributors

According to TweetReports.com (you can also use this as a transcript – just type BFrunning into the search box), these are the top 10 Twitter users who contributed the most content during the chat. There were 17 contributors throughout the chat and 117 posts.

Top Users BFrunning 4.17.11


And these are the top 10 related words throughout the chat.

BFrunning Wording 4.17.11

Topics – Introductions:
Q1: Just so we can get to know each other a bit, please introduce yourselves and tell us about your blog.
Q2: How many of you are transitioning in minimalist shoes vs. purely bare?
Q3: What prompted you to begin running barefoot or minimalist?
Q4: Is anyone running the Boston Marathon (or do you know anyone who is)?
Q5: How did you find your shift from sneakers to barefoot running or minimalist running? Do you still find yourself checking your form after the switch?
Q6: This is YOUR chat! Throw out some topic ideas for upcoming chats. What do you want to talk or learn about?

Upcoming #BFrunning Chats

If you are new to chats, visit #BFrunning Chat for details on #BFrunning and for guidance on how to participate in a Twitter chat.

I look forward to seeing you on May 1, 2011 from 8:00-9:00 PM EST for the second round of #BFrunning. If you have topics in mind that you would like to discuss, please contact me on Twitter at @michelepliner or via the SportingTheSmallStuff Contact page. Stay tuned to Twebevent.com/BFrunning for the upcoming chat schedule.

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